NARJ047: Can We Start Over?


avatarOur episode this week features a special guest! Our blog poster, podcast uploader, tweet sender Lindsay (that’s me!) is on to talk about her experiences with Patreon as a crowd-funding tool and what makes it different from other crowd-funding sites out there. Joel also talks some more about how he’s funding his next book with crowd-funding


  • “Don’t lock content behind reward tiers. It doesn’t work as well as you think it will.”
  • “We literally just decided whether we would keep recording or not and you got to hear it.”
  • “Everything’s just a long slow march to the grave, it’s not really worth it to shine a spotlight on myself.”
  • “Are you like a timelord or something?”

Talking Points

NARJ046: Am I A Man Now?


avatarLast week was very off topic, but this week we’re back to serious business and answering questions. We discuss what you can do to protect your WordPress powered site from being hacked, like password security and choosing your plugins carefully. We also touch on changes in Google’s algorithms how speeding tickets are a rite of passage to adulthood.


  • “The minute you add a plugin or paid theme you are introducing a big risk to your site.”
  • “Even the big guys get hacked.”
  • “The longer the password is the more secure it is.”
  • “The easiest thing you can do right now is make sure all your passwords are long and secure.”

Talking Points

NARJ045: The Moose Poops on the Goose


avatarIn this episode we learned that recording on a Monday night with no specific discussion topic leads to silliness. We answer questions that no one asked like what is the difference between football and futbol? What’s the Canadian version of “the rains in Spain fall mainly in the plains”?

Despite the silliness Chris does manage to discuss his new WordPress plugin, BlastOff, for e-mailing within WordPress.


  • “This means I can use a rocket ship as a logo so I think it’s worth it.”
  • “My brain hasn’t been in active use for the past one and a half minutes. That’s just been words.”
  • “We have both actually never listened to this show.”

Talking Points

NARJ044: It’s Completely Water Based


avatarThis week we’ve got a bit more of a laid back episode. Chris talks about his content marketing plans and how he’s working on adjusting his social media marketing to be less “icky” and more inline with his values. Joel has a new post over on his blog with some advice for managers and other people in leadership positions.

Most importantly, we’re looking for some feedback! Leave us a review on iTunes or get in touch on Twitter. We want to know if you like the more conversational style or the more structured style episodes. Or any other feedback you might have, just let us know!


  • “How do you know if the content marketing is working? What are your benchmarks? What are your goals?”
  • “Hire people smarter than you!”
  • “Your team’s failure is your failure.”

Talking Points

NARJ043: It’s a Wasteland


avatarNow that we’re back from traveling to Orlando and South Carolina, we take this episode to continue chipping away at our questions. This week we’re talking about how to make an effective proposal and giving some tips for eCommerce marketers. We’re almost out of questions so make sure you send us some more. We’re also looking for some advice and ideas on how to help NARJ get more exposure so send us those thoughts too!


  • “‘How does this influence our business goals’ not just ‘How does this make us look better’”
  • “The bigger picture is sales. That’s all you need to worry about.”
  • “It’s difficult to increase sales without knowing where your existing sales are.”
  • “If your marketing is causing things to be sold, it’s working.”

Talking Points