NARJ067: Kick the Bar


avatarThis week Chris and Joel are in Toronto for a live (for us, anyway) podcast recording with special guest Sarah Adlam! We talk a lot about Sarah’s experiences with the BMW ad campaign and how she comes up with great ideas. Tons of inspirational stuff in this episode!


  • “There are no limits. I will do this and change your life.”
  • “The enthusiasm lives within the idea.”
  • “And everyday I kicked the bar a little higher.”

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NARJ066: Demonstrating Expertise


avatarDuring this extra-early recording session, Chris and Joel talk about some of their favorite topics like Apple and ethics in games journalism. How to find clients/customers/patrons is also discussed though, so hopefully that helps someone out. If you’re one of those people seeking clients and ways to demonstrate your expertise, we’d love to hear from you!


  • “Just be really good.”
  • “The best places to get new money comes from your current clients and people they know.”
  • “Gamergate is like a child with a chainsaw.”

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NARJ065: Sparkling



Joel started drinking before the show, so you can definitely expect some silliness from this week’s episode! He’s got a lot to say about sparkling water. Chris and Joel also answer some questions about motivation and productivity from Lindsay.


  • “We do it because we both think that I’m really funny.”
  • “You’ve gotta stick with projects you find personally fulfilling because then it won’t be a question of how you stick with them.”

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NARJ064: Ethics in Game Journalism


avatarActually, the new focus of our podcast is on ethics in game journalism. Forget whatever we said last episode.

In this episode Chris launches his own hate campaign against companies like CVS and RiteAid for disabling NFC payments. He also hates on AT&T and Verizon for their misuse of the Apple SIM system in the iPad Air 2. Meanwhile, Joel chases whimsy and tries to launch a new sex podcast.


  • “Tickle your fancy! What a disgusting phrase!”
  • “Be honest with yourself when a project isn’t working out.”

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NARJ063: Know a Thing


avatarNot a Real Job has done a bit of shifting since Episode 1. The audience we’ve generated (that means you) and the topics we talk about don’t really match our intro and branding image anymore so we’re going to be making some changes. In this week’s episode we talk about the ‘new’ direction we’ll be taking and why it’s not really that ‘new’. We also answer a question from Manuel that fits in with the new theme of giving advice to solo entrepreneurs… or “artipreneurs”… or something.

We really want to know what you, our listeners, think about this idea and any suggestions you might have for us going forward!


  • “The show is going to be for people who don’t want to have to have a real job.”
  • “Don’t let what you do right now fence you in.”
  • “Pour your passion into different buckets!”

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