Not a Real Job has done a bit of shifting since Episode 1. The audience we’ve generated (that means you) and the topics we talk about don’t really match our intro and branding image anymore so we’re going to be making some changes. In this week’s episode we talk about the ‘new’ direction we’ll be taking and why it’s not really that ‘new’. We also answer a question from Manuel that fits in with the new theme of giving advice to solo entrepreneurs… or “artipreneurs”… or something.
We really want to know what you, our listeners, think about this idea and any suggestions you might have for us going forward!
- “The show is going to be for people who don’t want to have to have a real job.”
- “Don’t let what you do right now fence you in.”
- “Pour your passion into different buckets!”
Talking Points
- Excerpt of Scolding the Winds
- Side Hustle
- How to get the dreamlife of your dreams using the internet
- John Gruber’s talk on Daring Fireball